المثال في الترجمة: ماهيته، أنواعه وخصائصه

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Mohamed Amine DRISS


The Example in Translation: Its essence, types and characteristics

The example is one of the most important helping tools for the students of translation in simulating the various communicative situations from one language into another, and thus understanding the purpose and conveying the intent properly. Since the translator’s work on texts from various typologies is not limited to merely dealing with the linguistic dimension, but goes beyond to grasping the metalinguistic kernel which delimitates the content of the message, be it ideological, cultural or social, this latter must have a prior knowledge of the strategies and procedures worthy to resolve the different translation handicaps, at the levels of the lexis, semantics, style and culture. Therefore, the present study aims at throwing light upon the didactical fundamentals of the translational example, its technical dimensions and elucidating its types and its major characteristics, as well as its role in improving the translations of learners and bettering their understanding at the theoretical and practical levels.


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How to Cite
DRISS, M. A. (2019). المثال في الترجمة: ماهيته، أنواعه وخصائصه . Traduction Et Langues, 18(1), 202-222. https://doi.org/10.52919/translang.v18i1.501