Enjeux socio-économiques de La traduction officielle

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Kahina Hafir


Socio-economic issues of official translation

This research paper aims to reveal the embittered reality of the profession of official translator-interpreter in Algeria by stressing the drawbacks he/she suffers from, be it in terms of theoretical education or continuous training. The latter is necessary for the performance of this profession. Prerequisites for the practice of this job and its legal framework will be set by us. The absence of a status governing the profession is counter to any attempt to improve the status quo. We will look at the practice of the profession and its socio-economic issues, which we will try to deduce by analyzing the nature of the documents requested for translation, based on our professional experience in this field.
Furthermore, we have found out that far from the stereotype that defines him or her in the traditional role of a linguist, the translator is a reliable link in the chain of local development, taking on an important part in all aspects of life. Thus, he/she can help in the field of socio-economic studies by providing clues and data on certain situations prevailing in a given geographical area at a given time. However, the importance of his/her role as an economic agent has not yet granted him/her the recognition that he/she deserves. Actually, he/she is still standing helpless in the face of the aporias that he/she must often manage alone with the means at hand.
Finally, we conclude that the title of public officer confers on the official translator-interpreter a heavy legal but also economic responsibility.


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How to Cite
Hafir , K. (2012). Enjeux socio-économiques de La traduction officielle. Traduction Et Langues, 11(1), 39-54. https://doi.org/10.52919/translang.v11i1.535