Linguistique contrastive et Traductologie Une relation dyadique et didactique

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Benaissa Tarek
Abelkrim Namaoui


Contrastive linguistics and translation studies: A dyadic and didactic relationship

This paper reflects on the dyadic and didactic relationship between contrastive linguistics and translation studies. Four questions will hold particular attention: the first is concerned with the differences between contrastive linguistics and translation studies, the second discusses the interdependence between contrastive linguistics and translation studies, the third is related to the use of translations for contrastive purposes, and the fourth one focuses on the use of contrastive studies for translation purposes.
We concluded that this rapid overview could only touch upon a prodigiously vast subject which could be the subject of a monograph. Many other issues could have been raised; many other examples would have deserved our attention. Yet, we attempted to demonstrate that contrastive linguistics and translation studies are complementary, contrastive linguistics being the generator of a rather theoretical knowledge, while translation studies have the primary task of nourishing the debate on the transmission of knowledge, and professional know-how.


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How to Cite
Tarek, B., & Namaoui , A. (2012). Linguistique contrastive et Traductologie Une relation dyadique et didactique. Traduction Et Langues, 11(1), 55-68.