La Problématique de l’Équivalence en Traduction Juridique

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Mohamed Hichem Bencherif


The Problem of Equivalence in Legal Translation

This work aims to test the feasibility of equivalence in legal translation in general and in the Arabic translation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (U.D.H.R.) in particular. In the first part, attention is drawn to the huge changes that translation has undergone because of the emergence of Traductology or “Translations Studies”. The second part addresses the concept of equivalence, which remains questionable because it has received several denominations and classifications, qualified as formal, dynamic, textual, functional equivalence, etc. The third part will be devoted to legal translation, where the emphasis will be put on its specificity generated by its contact with the Law. Regarding the fourth part, it will present a brief overview of the text of the U.D.H.R. and its translation from French to Arabic. Then, it will expose the technicality of the legal discourse while insisting on its characteristic features in the U.D.H.R. The fifth part tests the feasibility of the equivalence in U.D.H.R in order to analyze the obtained results for contrastive and translatological purposes.


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How to Cite
Bencherif , M. H. (2012). La Problématique de l’Équivalence en Traduction Juridique. Traduction Et Langues, 11(1), 69-82.