L’équivalence fonctionnelle dans la traduction Le poète du Malhoun dans l’oeuvre de ‘Marguerite’

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Ahmed Bencherif


Functional equivalence in translation The poet of Malhoun in the work of 'Marguerite'

This work studies a literary work that objectively and meticulously depicts historical data from the last quarter of the 19th century and that relates to the significant events of the French colonization of Algeria. The choice of the literature is due to a lack of testimony. The Algerian writers, who carved the literary productions, evolved, in their works, around their misery and torments. They had not completely restored the historical context of the period studied. Neither did the colonial writers devote their pen to the stories of the country in which they lived. They were colonial thinkers, almost ethnic cleansers, insofar as they advocated theories to oppress the natives. This work aims to situate and investigate the colonial phenomenon by demonstrating how it progressed through discrimination in the fiscal, agricultural and social policy against Algerians.


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How to Cite
Bencherif , A. (2012). L’équivalence fonctionnelle dans la traduction Le poète du Malhoun dans l’oeuvre de ‘Marguerite’. Traduction Et Langues, 11(1), 136-148. https://doi.org/10.52919/translang.v11i1.560