L’analyse linguistique du discours comme préalable à une démarche ingénierique : Discours de la physique

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Ahmed Mostefaoui


The Linguistic Analysis of Discourse as a Prerequisite to an Engineering Approach: physics discourse

This study belongs to didactics in that it is at the heart of the teaching / learning process. It is interested in the nature of helping scientific fields’ students acquire linguistic and discourse skills in close connection with their academic discourse. Our perspective does not go in the direction of a formulation of prescriptions or didactic propositions stemming from theoretical knowledge, without experimentation in the field. It was, of course within the Discourse analysis (AD), as a first task to analyze students’ productions in their context of realization, from some theoretical references. It was first to describe these practices to understand them, and then only to eventually exploit them.


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How to Cite
Mostefaoui, A. (2017). L’analyse linguistique du discours comme préalable à une démarche ingénierique : Discours de la physique . Traduction Et Langues, 16(2), 29-41. https://doi.org/10.52919/translang.v16i2.571