The Language of Advertising: The Case of Code- Switching and Code-Mixing in the Algerian Advertising Scenery

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Louafia Boukreris
Abdallah Bouchegra


This article deals with the phenomenon of Code-Switching and Code-Mixing in the language of advertising with a special emphasis on language mixing in the Algeria advertising scenery. The main objective consists to analyze how language mixing is used by advertisers to produce a persuasive effect on the consumer. Advertising designers use language mixing is in such an arty way and violate the norms of language use that the language of advertising appears to be a variety of its own right really serving attraction and memorability purposes that play an important role in the consumers’ purchasing decision. In addition, the article attempts to pinpoint to the hidden purposes which go in an anticlockwise movement regarding the language policy efforts the government is making to promote standard Arabic. The transliteration of the Arabic language in its dialectal and standard form using Latin alphabet together with the use of Arabizi symbols constitute a long term hidden agenda which attempts to revive the long ago attempts to Latinize the Arabic language.


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How to Cite
Boukreris, L., & Bouchegra, A. (2016). The Language of Advertising: The Case of Code- Switching and Code-Mixing in the Algerian Advertising Scenery . Traduction Et Langues, 15(1), 135-143.

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