Die Mehrsprachigkeit im DaF-Unterricht Am Beispiel von multilingualer Sprach- und Textarbeit in den sprachwissenschaftlichen Modulen im Master 1 und 2 an der Univ-Oran

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Fatima Mokadem


Multilingualism in Deutschlessons:The case of multilingual language and text work in the linguistic in Masters 1 and 2 units at the Univ-Oran

The fact that Algerians grow up multilingual and also acquire other languages simultaneously, successively or in a controlled manner in preschool, elementary school, middle school and high school summarizes the entire linguistic situation in Algeria as well as reality of the Algerian educational system. We would like to show in this paper how this multilingual competence is used in the Deutsch as a foreign language classes among students with advanced levels (Master 1 and 2) through texts analysis in Algerian Arabic, Standard Arabic, Berber, French, English and Deutsch to impart knowledge in the areas of stylistics, discourse analysis and cultural semiotics, and also to analyze and discuss examples from our seminars. We are at some conclusions through this research, specifically that the teacher must react very flexibly to the respective classroom or extra-curricular situation, pay attention to the aspect of Deutsch as a foreign language when teaching technical or linguistic content, carefully select the topics and documents and provide appropriate measures and aids to facilitate language acquisition. As part of the training of our master's students at University of Oran2, research projects are focused on "stylistic analysis of texts in Standard Arabic, Deutsch, French, Berber and Algerian Arabic, discourse analysis, intercultural dimensions of learning in Algeria as well as specialist teaching. This variability allows students to try out the knowledge they have acquired during their training in practice and build up appropriate skills that help them to successfully plan, implement and evaluate flexible bilingual or plurilingual work in Deutsch classes.


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How to Cite
Mokadem, F. (2016). Die Mehrsprachigkeit im DaF-Unterricht Am Beispiel von multilingualer Sprach- und Textarbeit in den sprachwissenschaftlichen Modulen im Master 1 und 2 an der Univ-Oran . Traduction Et Langues, 15(1), 181-187. https://doi.org/10.52919/translang.v15i1.717