Topische Formeln

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Bahi Amar Abdelkader Bouiken


Topical Formulas

Propositional phraseological expression is an intersection that links naming to predication on a syntactic and semantic basis. For GLÄSER, there are two types of propositional idioms, the integral or partial type. (GLÄSER, 1986: 49). In the complete proposition we find routine formulas, proverbs, truisms, quotations, maxims, slogans and the partial proposition includes fragments and proverbial phrases as well as literary allusions, Zwillingsformeln (binomial formulas) and stereotypical comparisons. Harald Burger distinguishes fixed sentences from topical formulas. (Burger, 2007: 37). Topical formulas are expressions that can be integrated into different communicative situations, but they remain independent of context. They are considered to be the most fixed idioms. They occur in two forms, as truism and proverbs or anti-proverb. Fixed phrases include most, but also the best known phraseological category, such as turn of phrase and locution. We are concerned in this paper with all aspects relevant to


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How to Cite
Bouiken, B. A. A. (2015). Topische Formeln . Traduction Et Langues, 14(2), 163-169.