Analyse Sociocritique du roman « Rue Darwin » de Boualem Sansal

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Ahmed Reda Saiah


Sociocritical Analysis of The Novel "Rue Darwin" by Boualem Sansal

In this article, we try to provide a socio-criticism analysis of then novel named Rue Darwin (Darwin Street). Boualem Sansal is an Algerian French-speaking writer. He is known for his critical remarks towards many form of extremism. His novels are denouncers and anticonformist. He received several international prizes. In this work, one is suggesting to examine this novel with all its complexity and to transcend the discomfort which corrodes Yazid of the interior continuously. At this perspective, it is advised to reconsider the ideological and the sociopolitical conditions of time. The objective is to approach the identity writing like milks dominating in the novel Street Darwin of Boualem Sansal while carrying out a sociocriticism analysis of the novel.


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How to Cite
Saiah, A. R. (2015). Analyse Sociocritique du roman « Rue Darwin » de Boualem Sansal . Traduction Et Langues, 14(2), 83-91.