L’influence de la notion du point de vue sur la nomination : La dialectique du Même et de L’Autre

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Fatima Zohra Harig Benmostefa


The influence of the notion of point of view on nomination: The dialectic of the Same and the Other

We can consider the choice of the equivalent in the appointment as a "marker" positioning: simply adjusted debt equivalent implies that there is no real difference between realia and the word used to represent the while the equivalent followed by a negative definition implies some negotiation and thereby a distance between the speaker and the "object" described above. Finally, the appointment may imply an attitude of rejection of the speaker in relation to what is named


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How to Cite
Harig Benmostefa, F. Z. (2015). L’influence de la notion du point de vue sur la nomination : La dialectique du Même et de L’Autre. Traduction Et Langues, 14(2), 76-82. https://doi.org/10.52919/translang.v14i2.755