Facebook during American election Campaigns: a tool for mobilization, fundraising and voting influence

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Amel Ghermaoui


U.S politicians have introduced a modern way in their electoral campaigns through the use of social media sites in order to transmit their political messages for mobilization purposes. In fact, such sites allow candidates to market themselves and to facilitate interaction with their potential voters. Social media constitutes a shift in the media landscape, patterns a new guide for political communication, and allows candidates craft their political messages. Many scholars posit that traditional methods are losing ground in our modern times. Social networking sites like Face book show their successful use allowing reaching voters and influencing their choices. The purpose of this article is concerned with the analysis of the role this modern way plays taking the American election campaign case. As an example, Barack Obama’s campaign is taken as an example


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How to Cite
Ghermaoui, A. (2015). Facebook during American election Campaigns: a tool for mobilization, fundraising and voting influence . Traduction Et Langues, 14(2), 41-51. https://doi.org/10.52919/translang.v14i2.759

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