Die Grammatik von Port Royal
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The grammar of the Port Royal
The Port-Royal Grammar (originally Grammaire générale et raisonnée contenant les fondemens de l'art de parler, expliqués d'une manière claire et naturelle, "General and Rational Grammar, containing the fundamentals of the art of speaking, explained in a clear and natural manner") was the underlying basis in the analysis and philosophy of language.In thsi article, we focus on The Grammar of Port Royal for ist importance for learners of a foreign language to amke the correlation between language and logic are intermingled. Indeed, Arnauld and Lancelot's approach to language is historical, comparative, and philosophical. Discussing the essence of French, they give examples from Latin, Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, Spanish, Italian, and German. We attempt in this paper to highlight these articulations and their different manifestations.