Spacialités et personnages dans les nouvelles écritures : Le cas du « Point B 114 » dans le roman de Djamel Mati

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Ahmed Henni


Spatialities and Characters in New Writings: The case of "Point B 114" in Djamel Mati's novel

The main point of this contribution is to question the way the Algerian Writer D. Mati has elaborated a new dynamic and interactive report between the shifting and unreal spatial point B114 and the unfruitful no sense of a disturbed mind of atypical people while reading Bitter-Sweet The Disillusion of a Disturbed Mind' and 'A So- Called The South of Disillusion of a Disturbed Mind'. We just want to demonstrate how such dynamism can be elaborated in the wake of the dream phenomenon and the delirium in the Algerian new way of writing. A scriptural generic strategy to say and read its ontological and philosophical nature to the human condition and the being entity.


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How to Cite
Henni, A. (2015). Spacialités et personnages dans les nouvelles écritures : Le cas du « Point B 114 » dans le roman de Djamel Mati . Traduction Et Langues, 14(2), 64-75.