Das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten in der DaF-Ausbildung in Algerien

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Aoussine Sedikki


The Scientific Research Workin the German as a Foreign Language Training in Algeria

This article sets itself the objective of dealing with some important avenues related to scientific research in the field of teaching German as a foreign language and to Germanic studies. Important recommendations concerning the organization of the content and form of bachelor's, master's and doctoral dissertations are presented. It is also a question of responding in particular to the needs of doctoral students. This article is intended as a practical guide to the content and form of scientific research work. Certainly it is not possible to cover all aspects of the research base in the scope of this brief investigation. However, I am convinced that the main points analyzed are of great importance when carrying out a scientific work.


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How to Cite
Sedikki, A. (2015). Das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten in der DaF-Ausbildung in Algerien. Traduction Et Langues, 14(1), 217-222. https://doi.org/10.52919/translang.v14i1.780

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