الترجمة الأدبية وسؤال التأويل

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Hafida Belkacemi


Literary Translation and The Question of Interpretation

The second half of the 20th century was particularly marked by the deepening of hermeneutical philosophy. This development has largely influenced various sciences and disciplines, in particular the arts and humanities. First, it was a question of studying the issues relating to modern man and his “existence” in the face of the “text” according to a hermeneutic approach. Philosophers of hermeneutics have been particularly interested in this discipline, not only because it derives from the Latin origin of its term but also because translation deals with the understanding of texts by exposing any language to the challenges of survival through relation to its culture and its identity Translation, being at the center of this uncertainty between the global and the local, the unique and the diverse, the global and the specific, had to be at the heart of the hermeneutic question, by introducing the interpretation in its dualities of "freedom and literalness", of "fidelity and infidelity".


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How to Cite
Belkacemi, H. (2015). الترجمة الأدبية وسؤال التأويل. Traduction Et Langues, 14(1), 231-242. https://doi.org/10.52919/translang.v14i1.789