La situation linguistique en Tunisie : Quelle évolution après la révolution

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Amel Boughnim


The Linguistic Situation in Tunisia: What evolution after the revolution?

This contribution shed light on the language situation in Tunisia, particularly the status of the French language and the language of the Amazigh. We process including interviewing programs of both major political parties in Tunisia and based on qualitative interviews conducted with leaders of these parties’ analysis. French enjoys independence from Tunisia a privileged status. Historically the language of administration and education, many Tunisians are now bilingual. However, since the so-called "Jasmine" revolution, this status is challenged by the rise of English in teaching but also because of some political parties who wish to emphasize classical Arabic and strengthen the Arab identity Tunisian Muslim. In contrast to the privileged status of the French language, Tamazight is completely absent political projects since independence. Despite their historical primacy on Tunisian soil, the Amazigh language and culture seem to be perceived as a threat for the Tunisian identity.


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How to Cite
Boughnim, A. (2015). La situation linguistique en Tunisie : Quelle évolution après la révolution . Traduction Et Langues, 14(1), 83-93.

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