Der Sprachpluralismus und die Sprachpflege in Algerischen Theater: Der Fall des Theaterstückes „El Ajouad“ von Abdelkader Alloula

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Fatima Mokadem


Linguistic Pluralism and Language Maintenancein the Algerian theatre: The case of the play "El Ajouad" by Abdelkader Alloula

This article is primarily intended as a linguistic contribution within the large and diverse complex of Alloula's research, including literary, linguistic and theater results.
Brecht is one of the central figures in international theater history, both as a theater practitioner and playwright and as an important theoretician and aesthetician. He had a strong influence on the German language and had an effect on it. Thanks to this dual competence as a practitioner and a theoretician, Brecht presents an extremely interesting subject of investigation.The well-known Algerian dramaturge Abdelkader Alloula was inspired by Brecht. He said this publicly in a conversation with university teacher and researcher Mhamed Djellid(Oktober 1985 ; 10):“Brecht was and remains a role model in my work through his theoretical writings and his artistic work. I will even say that he is my spiritual father and better still my friend and my faithful companion”.Like Brecht, Abdelakder Alloula worked on the Algerian language so creatively, cultivated it so passionately and nurtured it from the soil of the standard written language. In the piece "El Ajouad" there is a lot to say and also to learn about this language work.


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How to Cite
Mokadem, F. (2008). Der Sprachpluralismus und die Sprachpflege in Algerischen Theater: Der Fall des Theaterstückes „El Ajouad“ von Abdelkader Alloula. Traduction Et Langues, 7(1), 70-80.