Assimilation et transferts sémantiques des emprunts lexicaux dans le discours médiatique

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Fatima Zohra Benmostefa Harig


Assimilation and semantic transfers of lexical borrowings in media discourse

The word hijab can be presented as a xénisme, but it knew a semantic change in media discourse, the integration process allows to see its evolution in relation to the historical, cultural and ideological events and of course political. The original reference, the garment (clothing) is not present in the Hexagone; That is why, by metonymy slip, media discourse such as lexicographical discourse retains, at the semantic level, just a portion of the garment (clothing, the veil. This is what some suggest discursive denominations. Hijab, at least in this metonymic sense, denominates not a non-existent reality in France, but a new reality; the label of "xénisme" appears once in partially inadequate. For their part, the words scarf and veil expanded their polysemy in the form of semantic neologisms as they can name this new reality; the Islamic veil, as well as to the Islamic headscarf.


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How to Cite
Benmostefa Harig, F. Z. (2014). Assimilation et transferts sémantiques des emprunts lexicaux dans le discours médiatique . Traduction Et Langues, 13(2), 156-164.

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