Les caractérisations de la femme maghrébine dans Izuran et La Scaléra de Fatéma Bakhaï

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Khaldia Aïssa-Kolli


Characterizations of the Maghrebi woman in Izuran and La Scaléra by Fatéma Bakha

The woman has long been on the margins. She differs from the man by her secondary nature but she has maintained the reins of power and the forefront in the various writings, since the dawn of time, as being pampered and adulated. Before accessing the idealized image of a high-value mother, the woman as a wife was submissive, endurance and suffering took over. In this incredible imbroglio posed by all the responsibilities expected of a woman, the modern woman remains the equal if not the parallel of the traditional woman. If it is not the fact that the modern woman is distinguished by her erudition and her financial liberation which allowed her to enjoy amenities worthy of alleviating her life. The author's vision is to highlight the change in the social status of woman after the dominant position fluttered towards that of the dominated. Consequently, this overlap allowed her to access a higher rank than that of a man without generalizing her extent in a community. The author's reflection on a major subject such as the status of woman aims to show its complexity. The typology of the female characters presented resulted in distinguishing the different facets (mother, wife, modern, traditional woman) attributed to her. This allowed us to see the different roles embodied by women. An exemplary and maternal woman following the example of the mother and the wife but considered an inferior being because she was constantly alienated from frustrations and endurances. The education and emancipation of modern women have enabled them to revolt and improve their living conditions, those of their children and even of their husbands. The author has insisted on the condition of women since prehistory with a positive and rewarding image to show that women are big enough to be alongside men and support them in their journey. In this militant approach, the author intends to show her vision of the world towards the status of women, which must change towards a dynamic of progress and fulfilment.


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How to Cite
Aïssa-Kolli , K. (2014). Les caractérisations de la femme maghrébine dans Izuran et La Scaléra de Fatéma Bakhaï . Traduction Et Langues, 13(2), 20-28. https://doi.org/10.52919/translang.v13i2.819

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