Assia Djebar : L’art D’écrire L’histoire

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Fatima Grine Medjad


Assia Djebar: The Art of Writing Hitory

This article is based on the idea that the aesthetic view of a writer is firmly linked to his vision of the meaning of ethics. It is more particularly interested in tracing the thread of thoughts in some of Assia Djebar's novels while focusing on the factor of synchronizing historical periods. In this sense, the present work refers to the situation of women before, during, and after independence. The author focuses on the positivism that we must attach to the status of the Algerian woman; it brings to life special and delicate moments of long years of struggle against colonial forces where women indeed played a key role on the path to independence. In fact, in a critical eye, we can filter through the works that Djebar aims much more at a reconsideration of the position of women not really in the distant past but also in the present which dictates many necessary changes based on these historical data. In fact, the reader is invited to add his touch while starting with the present sociocultural data and practices because indeed a novel is written with the aim of being invented and reinvented throughout time. The article therefore exposes the way of writing of the author who brings back in the same container her literary but also historical vision; its plurivocal symbolic style which is intended as a means for the transmission of the message of silence in the Algerian society but also similar societies that resemble ours. Through this analysis, the author explores the way in which the writer puts herself there to expose us her world to her that she generates for the readers so that they relive through these histories of real lives and she actually succeeded in doing it very well. In conclusion, the article tries to bring to light the way that Assia Djebar uses to transfigure a whole system of values and ethics towards a quest for reality.


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How to Cite
Grine Medjad, F. (2014). Assia Djebar : L’art D’écrire L’histoire . Traduction Et Langues, 13(2), 165-168.

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