موقف الاتجاه الجمالي من النقد النفسي

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ابراهيم قدور


The attitude of the aesthetic trend towards psychological criticism

Mustafa Nassef has shown the scholars' lack of interest in the findings of scientists regarding psychoanalysis, as they considered it to be devoid of every idea, such as the unreasonable, dreaming, psychological disorders, diseases of the mind, amon other things. Also, he Explained the importance of psychology to the psychoanalytic method. Thus, every behavior is ambiguous except that it has a number of meanings. With this given reality, psychological analysis gave another view of the literary work as a language with deep semantic dimensions. Nassef also showed positive aspects in psychoanalysis when talking about the symbol. He benefited from Freud's revelations about meaning and its impact on the understanding of the literary text and its positive repercussions when dealing with the literary text. The researcher concluded through this study that Mustafa Nasif has two positions on psychoanalysis: a position of acceptance and a position of rejection. He acknowledged its contribution into enlightening the ideas and perceptions of writers and critics, and warned against making a literary work as just a mere psychological document, and that a literary work cannot be understood in the light of the writers' organic pests and their psychological complexes.


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How to Cite
قدورا. (2014). موقف الاتجاه الجمالي من النقد النفسي . Traduction Et Langues, 13(1), 79-90. https://doi.org/10.52919/translang.v13i1.830