قيمة العنوان في العمل الأدبي ديوان "الزمن األخضر" لأبي القاسم سعد الله نموذجا

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لبنى دلندة


The value of the title in a literary work the collection"Green Time" by Abu Al-Qasim Saadallah as a case study

This study aims to determine the value of the title in the literary work, and to highlight its function as an important threshold that shortens the distances in communicating the vision and the idea to the reader thanks to its semantic store, which embodies the highest possible linguistic economy. At the same time, it demands the highest possible effectiveness of reception, and this is available only in a Provocative reader, who suffers from the pain of reading, and his pen responds to the pain of writing, and then he will be able to explode his significant powers, which are the keys to light up the darkness of literary work.This paper explores the value of the title in a literary work, with a particular emphasis on the the collection “Green Time” by Abou el Kacem Saâd Allah as case study.


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How to Cite
دلندةل. (2014). قيمة العنوان في العمل الأدبي ديوان "الزمن األخضر" لأبي القاسم سعد الله نموذجا . Traduction Et Langues, 13(1), 165-177. https://doi.org/10.52919/translang.v13i1.832