Mooddeutsch, eine Lernplattform für Die deutsche Abteilung der Universität Oran

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Bouchra Aboura


Mooddeutsch: a learning platform for The German department of University of Oran

In 2013, as part of a project, a virtual learning environment in the form of an LMS (Learning Management System) was developed and implemented for the German department at University of Oran 2. The purpose was to supplement classroom teaching as a component of a dual learning arrangement with a virtual, structured learning phase and accordingly to set up DaF teaching as a blended learning model. This article presents an interactive learning environment for university foreign language teaching, here German as a foreign language, which was developed and tested at the German department of the University of Oran in 2013. Virtual classrooms will not replace traditional foreign language teaching, but can enrich it when used effectively. Prerequisites for this are, above all, willingness for new teaching and learning concepts and the will to use the advantages of new media that support constructivist and cooperative learning.


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How to Cite
Aboura, B. (2014). Mooddeutsch, eine Lernplattform für Die deutsche Abteilung der Universität Oran . Traduction Et Langues, 13(1), 5-15.