La traduction n'existe pas, l'intraduisible non plus : Le cas des noms propres en Arabe

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Tarek Benaissa


Translation does not exist; neither does the untranslatability: The case of proper names in Arabic

During this article, I shall make concern my reflection the problem of the translation of the proper noun which settles relentlessly. Often, the discount of a translation is lying about because of some proper nouns which remain to be translated. The problem arises every time differently, drawing our attention at first on the variety of the categories which we can classify under this appointment, then on the variety of the requirements which requires their translation, we shall expose the diverse aspects of this problem from the study of four dimensions: semantic, sociolinguistic, graphic and phonetic.


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How to Cite
Benaissa, T. (2011). La traduction n’existe pas, l’intraduisible non plus : Le cas des noms propres en Arabe. Traduction Et Langues, 10(2), 30-39.