Native American and Targui WomenSimilar Aspects of Life

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Aicha Douar


Renown scholars have previously pointed to the commoness existing between tribal people in different parts of the world. At first glance, visible affinities attract the attention of the viewers either when travelling, reading books or, watching documentary films. Some writers have mentioned the common traits between the native Americans and the Saharans of north Africa. The two regions seem too hard to live in still, they are populated and their peoples have managed to enter history and the cultural world heritage with their petro glyphs and distinctive cultural traits. To what extent do Native Americans and the Saharans of North Africa share cultural traits and why? This visible commonness is attributed to women more than men, for the reader would see no resemblance between a veiled Targui and a Native American with a feather’s headdress. Three hypotheses are stated to enhance some parallels. The findings which are listed concern the spiritual and cultural characteristics of both populations in general besides some specificities such as jewels’ motifs, vivid colors and, the hairstyle of women.


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How to Cite
Douar, A. (2011). Native American and Targui WomenSimilar Aspects of Life. Traduction Et Langues, 10(2), 53-63.