L’emprunt lexical et la recomposition sémantique Nomination et Production du Sens : le cas du transfert de l’arabe au français

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Fatima Zohra Benmostefa Harig


Lexical borrowing and semantic recomposition Nomination and Production of Meaning: the case of transfer from Arabic to French

 Intrusion for the purposes of exploitation and settlement, colonization most often leads to tension and violence when the coveted lands are inhabited; the conquest is then prolonged by a territorial appropriation carried out under duress. In the texts of the discursive formation relating to Algeria, the stories of such a story tell in a polemical way the confrontation of the space of some with that of others. The study of the mobilized vocabulary, borrowings from French to Arabic in particular, shows that the words are not the lexemes which would find their value in the immanence of the closed system of the language. The present paper aims at showing how the borrowing of the word casbah from French to Arabic, in the precise circumstances of the capture of Algiers, lost part of its original content to take on the perception that the colonizers had of the place. Moreover, there is the observation of values linked to the transformation of the casbah into a reserved area and linked, more broadly, to the colonial context. Studies of meaning, at the lexical level as well as at the discursive level, show that the problematic of the praxeme leads to replacing the identification of differential semes with the understanding of the processes of which they are the result, and in which the experiences of the world which govern.


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How to Cite
Benmostefa Harig, F. Z. (2011). L’emprunt lexical et la recomposition sémantique Nomination et Production du Sens : le cas du transfert de l’arabe au français . Traduction Et Langues, 10(2), 76-88. https://doi.org/10.52919/translang.v10i2.861