An Analytical Study on Developing Language Skills among L2 Learners Through Digital Teaching and Learning

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Francis Joice Guvin Felcida
Deepa Parameswaran


Technology integration in teaching and learning has transformed the education sector through the use of advertisement approaches to addressing language acquisition among second language learners. Analysing the state of affairs in language learning through digital platforms, this analytical study aims to investigate the efficiency of the available forms of tools and media, including online courses, educational applications, and multimedia materials. The incorporation of technology in language learning affords learning as well as motivation to learners through the provision of flexible and individualized learning practices. With the help of technology tools like virtual classrooms, and real-time feedback, the concept of adaptive learning educators can produce a stimulating and engaging student-oriented learning environment. Developing language skills of L2 learners through Digital Teaching Learning is a predominant educational factor combined with virtual tools to enhance language skills and accuracy over the language. Despite the obstacles in language learning, speaking anxiety can be a massive hindrance to L2 learners. The use of digital teaching learning fosters flexible and vibrant communication that promotes the improvement of learners’ language capabilities in the present digital world. The present experimental study aimed to investigate the development of language skills in English among L2 learners through digital teaching learning in the select Arts and Science Colleges in Kanyakumari District. The study aimed to improve active learning through technology and online tools to enrich language skills. Descriptive and inferential analyses were employed to analyse the data collected from the participating colleges. The descriptive analyses show experience and interest in the areas of PowerPoint Presentation, Multimedia, Pad Let, and Edmodo. The inferential analysis including the t-test showed significant improvement in students’ language skills through digital teaching-learning interventions. This digital teaching learning promotes massive change with digital tools among L2 teachers and learners in educational sectors for a more technologically driven world.



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How to Cite
Felcida, F. J. G., & Parameswaran, D. (2024). An Analytical Study on Developing Language Skills among L2 Learners Through Digital Teaching and Learning. Traduction Et Langues, 23(1), 88-107.