An Overview of Language Shift from French to English in Scientific Articles

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Amel Mounnes
Belkheir Bouhadjar Fethi


The drastic language shift that Algeria witnessed in the last years, notably in English, gained ground. This paper discusses the shifting dynamics of scientific discourse translation in Algeria. Since 1962, Algeria has been associated with Francophone networks, however, in recent decades the English language gained predominance in scientific communication over the French language. Drawing upon a comprehensive academic literature review, the paper sheds light on the historical context shaping the Algerian situation concerning the French language which led to this transition. Concepts of language shift, domain loss terminology, and translation will be examined to shape their influence and relation in multilingual research. Additionally, the underlying motives for embracing English as a primary language in scientific discourse among researchers and institutions are explored. Key factors discussed include the influence of international scientific norms, access to thorough English language resources, participation in international partnerships, and higher visibility in the global scientific arena. While this transition offers numerous opportunities for Algerian researchers, some challenges might be noticed due to linguistic and cultural barriers. The paper will conclude by looking into intricate ramifications governing scientific discourse translation trends in Algeria and their implication on the scientific research landscape of the country.



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How to Cite
Mounnes, A., & Bouhadjar Fethi , B. (2024). An Overview of Language Shift from French to English in Scientific Articles . Traduction Et Langues, 23(1), 334-351.