La traduction, un processus évolutif vu en rétroaction par la théorie de construction de niche

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Nesrine Louli Boukhalfa


Translation, an Evolving Process seen in Retroaction by Niche Construction Theory

This article explores the translation process as a complex, self-organised system, through the prism of niche construction theory. It highlights three key aspects: the modification of translation’s environmental conditions, the selection pressures on translation as the creator of its environment, and the evolutionary responses observable in the translation process. Firstly, it emphasises how translation modifies its environmental condition, as the result of feedback between translators and their activity. This perspective, based on the work of Gideon Toury and Kobus Marais, proposes translation as a complex, retroactive system. In the same vein, the article examines the selection pressures exerted on translation, similar to natural selection, where translation acts as a cultural and linguistic vector undergoing processes of variation, adaptation, and heredity. In this wake, translation’s ability to adapt to the changing environment while preserving knowledge emerges. In addition, an exploration of some examples of evolutionary responses observable in the translation process is presented, such as computer-assisted translation, machine translation, and translation memories. These manifestations highlight translation’s capacity for self-observation and self-organizing, reflecting its complexity and perfectibility. In conclusion, the article suggests a similarity between the translation process and biological niche construction, particularly about the law of feedback. It proposes a conceptual systematisation of the factors involved in creating the translation environment, while acknowledging the complexity and need to recognize the multiple facets of the translation process.   



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How to Cite
Boukhalfa , N. L. (2024). La traduction, un processus évolutif vu en rétroaction par la théorie de construction de niche. Traduction Et Langues, 23(1), 352-364.